外 教 教 学 质 量 评 估 表
教师姓名: 任教课程:
授课班级: 评估时间:
评估栏目 | 评价等级 (从以下四个等级中选择你认同的一个打“√”) | 具体情况 (供说明原因) |
优秀 | 良好 | 合格 | 较差 |
缺勤情况 | | | | | |
按时上下课情况 | | | | | |
课堂纪律与学生到课率 | | | | | |
备课充分,教学内容丰富 | | | | | |
教学有条理、重点突出、难易合适 | | | | | |
学生上课兴趣高,课堂气氛活跃 | | | | | |
教学方法多样,注重互动 | | | | | |
口音纯正、口齿清楚、语言流畅响亮 | | | | | |
作业布置适量,能及时批改 | | | | | |
教学热情高,乐于与学生沟通、帮助学生 | | | | | |
对老师的印象与意见: |
其它情况反映: |
Evaluation Form of Teaching Assessment
Name of teacher: Name of course:
Class: Assessment time:
Please fill in the form, we will send your suggestions and total results of teaching assessment to the relevant management in our university and your foreign teacher.
Content of assessment | Evaluation rank (Pick out one from the following four ranks) | Detail (List reasons briefly) |
Excellence | OK | Pass | Fail |
Absence | | | | | |
Punctuality for class | | | | | |
Discipline in the classroom and absence rate of students | | | | | |
Abundant and multiple preparing contents | | | | | |
Logical and coherent teaching with an appropriate difficulty | | | | | |
Students’ involvement in the class | | | | | |
Flexible and efficient teaching methods | | | | | |
Correct English pronunciation, clear enunciation and proper voice | | | | | |
Homework assignment and correcting | | | | | |
Correct teaching attitude, and ready to love their students | | | | | |
Impression of this teacher and suggestions: |
Others: |